Friday, March 13, 2009

Too many annoyances…

I just spent all day on dear old Alice (my old Dell) trying to get all the programs I use regularly on Ampersand downloaded to her.  Ampersand, sadly, has a problem with her hard drive, and she has to take a trip to Texas for repairs which I assume means everything I had saved on her will be wiped, completely.  Luckily, I have saved all of my thesis research in my Dropbox (I linked to Dropbox, because it’s the one program that is awesome that you had no idea that you needed, but once you have it you won’t know how you lived without it.), so it’s mostly okay, but there are a lot of files I had downloaded on it that I wish I would have backed up.  I would have put them on my new hard drive, but I didn’t have time after I got it, to put anything but a few files on it. 

Anyway, Alice is now up-to-date, and I can use her for blogger and twitter more easily.  I’ll have to hold off on the Skittles vodka update since I have no way to get the pictures from my camera to Alice.  You will get an update though, it just may take awhile. 

Now I have to start studying for my comps.  Have a good day!

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