Friday, May 9, 2014


Thursdays are hard for me. On Thursdays, I’m either going on my overnight shift or coming off of it. Yesterday was Thursday. Yesterday, I came off overnights. Yesterday, I ran my six miles, but fell asleep before I had time to blog it.

Six miles. 1:19:39. Katy Trail, baby. Gottta love it.

The Katy Trail starts near where my parents live, so when I get a chance I like to run there. It’s flat, fast, and I don’t have to worry about any cars running me down. That is the biggest plus. I really hate running on roads for exactly that reason. The only drawback is that the Dogwood 50k is going to be hilly, but I think I’ll have enough hills under my belt by then to not have too much of a problem with it.

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See how pretty it is. Since it used to be a railroad, it runs right along a highway. It’s mostly covered with trees and you don’t notice the highway at all.

I also saw a stealth bomber. The pictures didn’t turn out that great, but if you squint just right you can see it in the middle of these next two pictures, just above that bush.

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There were loads of flowers blooming.

photo 3_2

Also, tons of poison ivy. You don’t want to get off the trail, because it’s everywhere.

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Sometimes, the poison ivy is even right near the flowers. Beware. Better to look and take pictures than try to pick the flowers. You might take home an itchy rash as well.

photo 1_1

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