Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been a long time since the hobo penis...

So... The conference went really well, with the exception of the stolen computer, but I really don't want to talk about that. Why focus on the bad things? My commentator loved my paper, I got at least a hundred and fifty books dollars worth of books for free, had free dinner, met a super awesome history professor who taught me about women who have murdered for revenge and gotten away with it, spent lots of time lounging in the hotel lobby, talked a lot, ate free food, and took a tour of a Civil War battlefield. It was fun imagining that all the ghosts of the fallen soldiers were there with me. By then, I was sick of history. Too much of a good thing, ne.

So... I went and got drunk.

Then I woke up to find that Amanda Palmer had gotten hit by a car. A fucking car. OMG. Who almost killed Amanda Palmer, eh? I'm just glad she's okay.

Then my roommate introduced me to the comedy of Eddie Izzard. OMG. I am in love with this guy. You must love him too!

Hopefully, my life calms down a bit now. I'm ready.

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