Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where does all the time go?

You would not believe how incredibly busy I am all the time. I thought that after last week I would have free time, or at least some time to just, I don't know, do noting. So far that hasn't worked out. I have been working constantly on homework, and between the work I have for my two actual classes, I have no time whatsoever to even think about working on my thesis. Omg. I'm never going to get it finished. I'm going to fail school, and then I will die a sad and lonely life with no sex. That would be a shame.

In other news, I listened to the new Ben Folds album when it came out a couple of days ago. I felt it was my duty since Amanda loves him, and since Regina Spektor sings on the one song with him. Sad to say... I just really don't like his style. Lyrics, yes. Style, no. So... yeah... that was sad for me.

Now I must work on a bibliography... then prepare for my class. After that, I'm going with my roommate on a field trip to a book store. It's supposed to be the best in town. We'll see about that. I'll report back later.

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