Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I hate it when I want to write... I even know what I want to say... but before I can even begin I have to read articles, so I can write. Even though I've already read the stupid articles, I still have to read them because if I don't I won't make any sense. I wish I just knew everything so that I would never have to read before I write and I could just write and write and write and I'd be a prolific author and an esteemed historian... Instead... I have to read. So annoying.

Also, I found this cool website today... well, by found, I mean... I read it in my daily trip through the blog-o-sphere, so I'm not really sure if that means I found it, or if fate magically happened to show me. Anyway... here's the link. Look at it. You know you are dying to see it.


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