Sunday, September 21, 2008 signs and bucking broncos...

The marquee sign on the local Assemblies of God church reads:

Don't be so
open minded your
brains fall out

I don't like it at all. I really don't like it. Every time I drove past it this weekend, I wanted to run over and switch the letters out to say something else. I did that one time (changed God to Dog...), but I know the pastor of the church, he's an old family friend, and he had to leave his day job to go fix the sign, so I've felt guilty about that ever since. Anyway... I don't know what it is about that particular saying, but I really hate it. I came up with two possibilities:

1) There should be a "that" between the "minded" and "your". I don't know why that would make it better for me, but I think it would be a bit better anyway.

2) Why is he telling his presumably (presumably because most inhabitants of these parts are extremely conservative) conservative congregation not to open their mind? They need to open their mind. At least more than they are now. Not so far that their brains fall out, but just a little bit more than they are now would be nice.


I got bucked off a horse today. Luckily, I managed to stay on long enough to avoid falling in the 4 foot deep water that we'd been in when she started bucking, but not long enough to avoid meeting the ground at high speed. I emerged relatively unharmed with the exception of my elbows and left thigh.

Mind you. That is a 6 hour old bruise. It hurts like a Mother. I'm not looking forward to the morning.

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