Monday, August 4, 2008

The life of a student worker...

...usually agrees with me very well. Especially on the days that I have nothing to do, but browse the web or do homework at my leisure. Unfortunately, today was not one of those days. I think I managed to xerox close to 1,500 pages for various professors. I also got exams ready, and cleaned the workroom. But it was the copying that took up most of my day.

I'll be finished with work soon. I've gotta make a trip to the library after I clock out. I'm not exactly looking forward to it. It was already sweltering out when I biked across campus this morning. Now it's probably an oven.

I noticed that the web as a general rule was a bit dead today. Not sure why, but I didn't have nearly as many blog entries to keep up with. Don't know why. Just an observation.

Another thing I did today was look for the books for my paleography class online. One of them I found, and it is currently being shipped in my direction (according to the email I recieved). The second book, I found super cheap with, but I knew it was not to be, since it was being sold by abebooks. For some weird reason, that stupid website always has the best deals, and they ALWAYS reject my debit card. I have no idea the reasoning behind it. Every other online book retailer loves to see the little numbers of my debit account and they eat them right up, but for some reason abebooks spits them back at me everyFREAKINGtime. I'm convinced they hate me, but I don't know why.

I must go now, so I can lock the doors before I leave. Maybe I'll post something more interesting next time. :D

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