Monday, August 25, 2008

180 eyes

Professor to class: I'm going to introduce the graduate assistant now.

Professor to me: Why don't you stand up here for a minute so everyone can see you?

I reluctantly stand up and turn around to see 90 pairs of eyes staring me down expectantly. Omg, that had to be the scariest moment of my life. What do they expect of me? I bet most of them think that my sections of the class are going to be the biggest joke in the world. Hopefully, everything will go well, and at the end of the semester most of them think they gained something from my classes. I've got my fingers crossed.


In other news, I've been keeping up with the pro-Tibet protests in China on (I love BoingBoing.), and today since all of the protestors should be safely home from their stints in Chinese prisons, BoingBoingTV aired the Xeni Jardin's interview of the two American videobloggers who were in China to make sure the protests did not go unnoticed.

I've never been the kind of person who is into protests and whatnot. I guess because if it doesn't directly affect me, it doesn't exist for me. But I do sympathize with the Tibetans, and I think it was both courageous and stupid to protest Tibet at the Olympics. I admire those who did.

pro-Tibet videobloggers


Lastly, my internet adventure today took me to a website featuring the girl soldiers of the Israeli army. The pictures are all striking and usually feature a girl carrying a huge gun around with them. I'm glad that military service isn't mandatory here in the States. I like the posters in the background of this photo.


180 eyes were put into perspective for me after seeing these websites. I don't live in under a totalitarian regime, and I have yet to be forced into the Armed Services. I'll take my life over theirs any day.


I wish I lived in London.

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