Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard Day #1

Before I begin to describe what transpired today, I would like to explain a little bit about Missouri weather.  In a nutshell, it’s ridiculous.  For example, Friday was beautiful.  It made it up to 50 degrees outside, and I went out horseback riding in just a sweatshirt.  It looked something like this:


Cut to today.  You might remember my entry yesterday about the impending apocalypse.  It came.  I saw it.  It’s currently residing outside in my yard as a couple of feet of white fluffy snow.  It looks more like this:


That is pretty much what the view from my garage looking toward my house looked like.  All day.  I’m not even kidding.  I’m serious as a heart attack.  Before today, I naively thought that blizzards innocent fun times for having no snow.  Why wouldn’t I think that?  I’d never seen a blizzard before.  Today, that changed. 

This morning the weather didn’t seem all that bad, but I rode with my dad into town anyway.  Just in case.  We both went to work.  At work we cancelled appointments, and shoveled snow, until about 9 the owners came in and told us to shut the place down.  (If you knew my bosses, you would know that never happens.  Ever.)  So I called dad, and he diligently fetched me from work, and we decided to head home.  This is what it looked like by then only after two hours of the storm:


I didn’t know if we would make it home.  There is a term called “white out.”  It’s when it snows so much that the sky and everything else turns white as if the hand of God took the liberty of deleting a mistake on a huge piece of personalized stationery.  That’s what it was like on the way home from work this morning.  I’d never been out in anything like that before.  Fortunately, we made it home. 

I made sure all the animals and everyone had plenty of food and water and warmth, and then took myself into the house for lunch.  The blizzard raged on all day.  I began to worry about snow zombies and the abominable snowman.  Then I took a nap.

Two hours later, I awoke.  The weather outside looked much unchanged, but I needed to do something so I decided to venture out to look for said zombies and monsters.  Ridiculous is the only word I can think of to describe the snow.  It came up to my knees in the clear places, and some had drifted up to at least waist-height.  I walked around until I exhausted myself, then I checked on the animals one last time, and headed inside.  I didn’t take any pictures that time; the blizzard raged, and I didn’t want to ruin my camera.  But if you’ll remember the picture from yesterday’s entry.  That’s pretty much what it looked like. 

However, I’ve yet to find the zombies.  I think they are waiting for the storm to stop. 

Me too. 

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