Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Review: The Once and Future King by T. H. White


Honestly, I have no idea how to go about writing a review of this book.  It’s a classic.  Books don’t become classics if they suck.  This book does not suck. 

I had never heard of The Once and Future King until recently (within the last year), but once I stumbled upon the title, I kept coming across reference after reference to it.  Once you see a book referenced/recommended 3 or 4 times in a week by various people for various different reasons, you have to read it.  It’s the rules. 

I’ve always enjoyed the King Arthur saga from the various parts I’ve read here and there.  It was nice to have all the bits and pieces put into perspective.  Watching King Arthur grow and develop from a young nobody called Wart into a king with never before matched powers of governing was amazing.  Then to see bit by bit and piece by piece the whole thing come unraveled all over again was totally despairing.  White will use every single one of your emotions against you, and you won’t realize how you have come to value King Arthur as your friend until his dreams and fantasy’s are all swept out from under him and you find yourself falling with him.

If you’ve never heard of “The Once and Future King,” you very well must read it.  If you’ve read it before go back and re-read the part the dead cat.  You know what I’m talking about.  You know you don’t want to.  I know, I know… It was gross.  That’s what I meant by every emotion.

Like I said, this book does not suck.  Like I failed to blatantly state, this book is a must-read.  Especially if you consider yourself a fantasy fan.  T. H. White has got to be up there with Tolkien as being one of the fathers of Modern Fantasy.  This is where it all began.

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