Sunday, January 2, 2011

It was a cold day on the ranch, but…

I saw an eagle while I was out riding.  I wish I would have had a proper camera, but alas, I had to make due with my cell phone camera.  I love seeing Bald Eagles.  They possess a certain quality that among other things makes me feel proud to be an American.  However, I imagine that has more to do with the thorough brainwashing I received as a child, rather than anything having to do with the creature.  But I must admit, it is a sight to see stand at the foot of a tree atop a horse while a big, beautiful eagle looks down upon you.  Aloof and daring all in the same bundle of feathers. 


We didn’t stick around for long, but I did snap these pictures of him while he sunned himself up in the top of the tree. 


Make sure you click on the pictures to make them bigger.  He looks like nothing more than a dot in the blog-sized pictures.  I would have cropped them.  I even attempted to crop and doctor them up to make them nicer, but the sad pixelated version of the eagle wasn’t as nice as this version.  I imagine that he prefers it this way too. 

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