Tuesday, July 29, 2008

They'd say that I'm crazy.

I did as much as I possibly could of editing from work. I was too lazy install the Zotero toolbar to Word, and I was also too lazy to actually type out footnotes, so anything that had to be footnoted is marked in red, and the sections I have to actually write, like the one involving the inquisition in the Netherlands, are labeled and highlighted in red. Then I took notes in my yellow notebook, so I wouldn't forget anything that I'd need to write about later. I think I'll probably try to work on it more tonight. I'd really like to finish it today, so in that case that leaves tonight to work on it.

In the meantime, I've been distracting myself with the new tracks from Amanda Palmer's upcoming album. She released a new track yesterday as a video and, omg, I can't stop myself from watching it randomly every hour or so. It's beautiful and it definitely goes with my mood for the day. Somedays aren't meant for being happy. Today isn't, that's for sure. I just feel like staring at a wall. The whiter and less interesting the better. Today's the kind of day that my mind won't actually work for anything but technical tasks, like editing a paper. Maybe that's why I was actually able to work on it today. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood.

This is the link to the video that I've been watching. I love Amanda Palmer. Oh wow, I just remembered a dream that I about her last night. Regina Spektor was in it too. It was a pretty cool dream. We hung out all night long and then since I hadn't been drinking, or rather since they thought I hadn't been drinking they made me drive them home. It was one of those dreams you wake up to and you wish that you could just keep dreaming instead of having to get up and begin a day that you know is going to be terrible. God, I'm so fucking emo today. It's a good thing that the day is almost over.

My boss just made me install the Zotero toolbar. Now I have no excuse to not work on my paper. Except that I don't want to.

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