Saturday, December 18, 2010

Book Review: Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! by Terry Brooks

I've been thinking lately about doing thus thing where when I complete a book, I write a short review of it. It's been one of those ideas that I think about often, but then never seem to implement when the time comes to actually do it. I know I've probably finished a small library of books since I hatched this plan in the back of my mind.

Behold! The first ever book review to exist outside of my head since the idea burst forth from my brain many moons ago. However, you must bear with me as my inner literary critic is a bit on the rusty side seeing as he's been on vacation since I graduated. I don't think that will be much of an issue; and nay even be cause for celebration. I always have likes a good party. Okay, I know... That was a lie. But anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

I bought Magic Kingdom for Sale -Sold! by Terry Brooks (which shall henceforward be referred to as Magic Kingdom since typing on a tiny screen with only thumbs shall be made as simple as possible) when I first got the Kindle app for my first iPod touch. If I remember correctly, I thought Magic Kingdom was a free offering from the Kindle store and was subsequently bummed when I realized I had actually spent money on it.

It's possible that is why it took me so long to finish reading it. I say that because having just finished the tale of Ben Holiday and his Magic Kingdom, I realized that it had been thoroughly entertaining. In fact, I wish I would have read it as a child rather than waiting until I got too jaded about money to enjoy a good story.

It is a highly implausible story (At least inflation has increased at least tenfold since it was written because Ben Holiday purchased a whole magic kingdom for the paltry sum of one million dollars. There is no way that would be a viable amount now since there are buildings that sell for much more than that.), but being implausible tends to make it all the more fun to read. Who wouldn't want to buy a magic kingdom and be a king or a queen? I know I would. I only hope the kingdom I end up with has such colorful characters in it. And I hope the dragons are nicer.

If you get a chance to read this book. I would recommend it. Even if it means you have to pay money for it and take three years to read it.

It is a lovely story.

Now, hopefully, you enjoyed my review and are looking forward to hearing about the next book I finish reading. I know I'm looking forward to finishing it.

Love and books.

Sent from my iPod, Astronaut.

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