Thursday, July 8, 2010

Some like it hot…

Imagine a hot, humid summer day, you’re well into the fourth hour of horseback riding and at least a mile, maybe two, from the barn.  Your knees are starting to ache because you don’t actually ride as much as you should, and the sun and humidity are making your sweat run freely into your eyes and down your face.  You’re almost willing to admit that horseback riding in the summer is a miserable experience and would give anything to be able to cool off because it’s just so damned hot.  Suddenly, off to your left, you hear a strange sound. 

It’s not until you feel the rain pouring down over your head that you realize that the sound you heard was a torrential downpour falling on the leaves as it made its way to the ground.  You also realize at that moment that there is no way you can make it home or even to some kind of shelter without getting completely and utterly drenched, so you shove your cell phone down your boot, hope that will keep it dry, and start the ride home.  At least, you’re not hot anymore.


P.S. The cell phone did survive, and the dogs were as miserable as I was when I got home.  Scruffy decided to take refuge in the herb garden, and he looked so pathetic that we just let him.

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