Monday, July 5, 2010

Scarlett Johansson shouldn’t quit her day job


I have misplaced all the files from when I made my website, oh so many, years ago.  I have checked all of the files on my computer, but I think my younger self for some clever reason saved those files to a thumb drive of some sort.  Not sure if it’s the one I later wiped in order to install linux on my baby computer, or maybe one I don’t even have any longer… I’m holding out hope that said files were on the drive that got wiped, since those got backed up on my parents computer.  I have their computer, oh so much, more organized than my poor little Ampersand.  Imagine that. 

Anyway, the website is sadly out of date, and while I do have plans to scrap the whole thing and start all over again, it would be, oh so much, easier if I could quickly update it as is, and work on the new site at my leisure.  Who knows when the new site will get finished.  God forbid, I have any time to think anymore.  According to the calendar hanging on my wall, I’m still living in April.  Unfortunately, Father time didn’t get that memo.

But enough about lost files and lost time, lets discuss found music, and vacations past. 

First things first, I love stumbling upon new music through the interwebz.  Amanda Palmer did a cover for the new Steel Train album (which by the way, is a great album, and I highly recommend it.).  I naturally bought said album (because that’s how I roll) and discovered that Scarlett Johansson did a cover as well.  The song kind of sucked, but I always liked Ms. Scarlett, so I took the plunge and downloaded her album of Tom Waits covers (no, it’s not a joke, and how did I not hear about this way back when?).  It leaves very much to be desired.  I’m sorry, Scarlett, but I think you should stick with acting.  Singing… well, singing just isn’t your thing. 

On a happy note, the same day the Steel Train album came in the mail, so the new Zoe Keating album did as well.  Into the Trees, it is called, and amazing, it is.  Listen to it after you hurt your ears listening to Ms. Scarlett. 

Lastly, if anyone wants to buy me this necklace, I would not object, and would gladly accept it. 

Before I forget, the photo is of Trooper.  He thought that the swimming pool was his dog house, and curled up under it for a nap.  It was pretty adorable. 

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