Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Who could it possibly be?

(502) 968-2020

I've been getting repeated calls from this phone number.  They never leave a message, and I never answer.  I called them back once, and got an automated recording.  It seemed odd, but I ignored it.  That is until today.  They continually call me; at least twice a day.  I looked the number up on Google just now, and it turns out that the number belongs to THV-ThermoView Industries Inc.  A company based out of Louisville, KY. 

I have no idea why they keep calling me.  It's really annoying. 

That's when I decided to take action.  Thanks to Google Voice, I just had to click one measly little button to have all their calls blocked. 

"This number is no longer in service." 

(Post Script: My intent was not actually a Google Voice commercial.  Disregard all likeness to such.)

Posted via email from almosthumanafterall's posterous

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