Friday, January 8, 2010

The Great Blizzard of 2010

Well, kids, I made the stupid statement the other day that "real jobs don't have snow days."  Apparently, Mother Nature took offense and proved me wrong.  I am officially snowed in.  This has never happened in my life, and it is officially as cold as it's ever been since before I was alive. 

I tried taking the four-wheeler out to look at the snow drifts, but I barely got it out of the garage.  The snow was too deep, so instead I took my horse out along with my camera to get some pictures of the drifts. A mile was all I was comfortable traveling.  I didn't want to worry anyone by being out in the frigid air longer than I needed to be.  The other direction from my house dead ends at waist-high snow.  It's officially the most snow I've ever seen.  I have dreams that one day when I'm old and grey I will be able to tell my grandchildren tales of the Great Blizzard. For now, I'm crossing my fingers that the road gets graded tomorrow, so we can get out of the house via transportation that isn't from the Middle Ages. 

These are some of the pictures I took while I was out and about on my horse. 

Posted via email from almosthumanafterall's posterous

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