Monday, April 11, 2011

Book Review: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen


Dear World,

I must confess.  I wanted to read this book because I saw the movie trailer.  I also must confess more than that.  I specifically wanted to read this book because I saw the movie trailer starred Robert Pattinson who at one time portrayed a vampire named Edward Cullen.  Yes, World, I am that girl. 

I apologize. 



Now, I shall proceed to the heart of the issue, the book review at hand. In this case, my unorthodox method of choosing books was a success.  Water for Elephants is quite possibly the best book I’ve read all year.  I absolutely loved it.  I’m not absolutely certain that this book wasn’t written for me specifically.  (I understand that this book has been a bestseller since it’s release in 2006, but still… a girl can dream, right?)

The main characters include a veterinarian, a beautiful circus star, and an elephant.  What’s not to love?  I’m being serious.  What is not to love?  I didn’t realize until I started writing this review (which at this point has digressed into nothing more than a long rant about how much I loved the book), that I loved this book so much.  I probably should have noticed when I finished it in approximately two settings, but I did not. 

I absolutely cannot wait to see Water for Elephants in theaters.  (Did I mention Robert Pattinson? Also elephants?  Or circus stars?  I know I didn’t mention horses, but I’m crossing my fingers that they will be in there as well.)  If it is even half as good as the book (which I might mention once more that Sara Gruen wrote specifically for me), then it will be the best movie I’ve seen since… I don’t know… Since a long time. 

There you have it folks.  Water for Elephants=Awesome.  Robert Pattinson=Vampires=good gimmick for getting me to buy a book that I would have normally never read. Me=Crazy.  If anyone had been wondering about my unexpected blogging hiatus, this “book review” should answer some questions.  Or possibly raise some. 

Go.  Read the book.  I promise.  You’ll thank me. 

1 comment:

Tellmeastory said...

Glad to see you back in fine form! Will be certain to check out the book (I’d also seen the theatrical trailer but had no idea it was based on a book!); unfortunately, I can’t help with regards to lusting after sparkly vampires…