Saturday, February 13, 2010

The idea of time flying is an effing joke.

It's more along the lines of time just broke the landspeed record on the salt flats of Utah and concurrently broke the record for most sonic booms in a ten second period.

For example, according to my email inbox I started writing this blog post on the fifth of February. It is currently the thirteenth of February. It's almost as if what seemed like weeks going by when I was a child now seem like days, sometimes weeks seem like mere hours. I know this is normal for people my age (because NPR told me so), but that doesn't make it any less annoying. 

I feel like I have more things I'd like to do than time to do them in. I can't wait until time slows again. 

I'm not sure where my life is going from here, quite possibly because isn't even time to think. 

Sent from my iPod, Astronaut.

Sent from my iPod, Astronaut.

Posted via email from almosthumanafterall's posterous

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