Friday, January 30, 2009

The White House blog is kind of lame.

I added to google reader thinking that it would be something of interest to me. You know, a way for me to get involved and know what's going on and all that jazz. Well, it seems that I'm beginning to regret my decision. Whoever is in charge of keeping tabs on the blog is not familiar with the "blog-o-sphere". He/she posts nearly the same thing four or five times a day. Today's topic is the "middle class" and how Joe Biden is going to save us all. Yesterday's was "Lilly Ledbetter" and "female power!" (i.e. they mentioned Hilary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi).

I mean, come on people, blogging rule #1, don't effing repeat yourself in entry after entry. After you've seen it, it is old news. Sure, people are stupid (Wizard's First Rule), but we're not that stupid. In conclusion, (I'm talking to ye who runs the White House Blog) stop posting the same effing thing more than once. We heard you the first time (and then the third and fourth and fifth time when the media repeats it). You don't need to add to the insanity. I promise. We get it.

Thank you.

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