Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

[2008 December 14 02:15 PM]
I really hate it when the weather interferes with my plans. I was
going to have a fun ridecthrough the woods today, but now I don't see
that happening. It just keeps raining harder and harder it's really
annoying actually. If I'd come out here when I had wanted this morning
I wouldn't be having this problem. I keep watching the clouds thinking
that they will move through but they just seem to get bigger and more
rainy. I guess I'll wait a few more minutes and then head home. What
else can I do? It's too cold to ride in the rain. If it were summer
I'd be all for it. It's not summer and cold is fine, but cold And wet
is not fine. Not with me anyway. What's even more stupid is that I can
see blue sky peeking through the clouds above me. It's up there
taunting me. Saying, "Hee Hee, look at me!" Stupid rain. Stupid stupid

Sent from my iPod, Astronaut.

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