Monday, August 31, 2009

Woe is Bumper Stickers (7)

I don’t think you can tell from this picture, but the back of this car was covered with anti-abortion bumper stickers.  Apparently, “God is PRO-LIFE.”  I just wanted to mention that I hate (HATE) it when people use the back of their cars as a platform for their issues and beliefs.  Come on, People.  Bumper stickers are tacky.  Ten bumper stickers on the same car is 10 times as tacky.  You lose all credibility with me (or any person in their right mind) when you tell me what I should think on the back of your car.  Honestly.  Find a better outlet for your issues.  Maybe learn a lesson from your turn of the twentieth century forefathers…  You know, the one where actions speak louder than bumper stickers on the back of your car.  But, hey, that’s just my opinion.


Also note the crack that dominates the view from my windshield.  Hehehe…

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