Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The internets aren’t always my friends…*

I recently burned a bunch of albums to listen to in my car (For at least two months I only had one CD in my car that wasn’t too scratched and warped from heat to play; however, I did have to skip through tracks 10 through the end, and eventually the first 9 tracks to Jagged Little Pill get a little trying no matter how much you like the album.), and I despite the fact I have ample CD’s from which to choose I keep gravitating back to Who Killed Amanda Palmer (I know, I know, big surprise, but to be fair, I hadn’t listened to it for a couple of months because of the Jagged Little Pill fiasco.). 

I spend a lot of time in my car though out the course of the day (probably close to two hours), and every single time I hear her sing this song, I can never believe how much I relate to it.

(I can’t seem to get this video to load at the moment, so I’m crossing my fingers that it’s the right one.)

At the end of the version on the album, Amanda says, “This song should be funnier, but it’s so true, it’s Sad.”  She couldn’t be more right.  I’ve banned myself from any kind of social networking sites, because if I even enter them I’m fatally drawn to depressing myself by stalking the people I once knew.  A quote* from a blog I read today compelled me to blog about this; otherwise it would have stayed locked up in my head, because these are the things that one shouldn’t admit for fear of sounding crazy.  The two things don’t really connect, and are a non sequitur if I’ve ever seen one; however, I suppose it made me realize that Amanda and I aren’t the only unhappy souls in the world (Honestly, though, I’m not thinking Amanda’s all that unhappy at the moment, so I suppose what I’m saying is that it made me realize I’m not the only unhappy soul), and made me want to share with the world as well. 

Please don’t think I’m crazy.

*i am excited to escape away even if it is just for a few moments, since really, there is nothing worse then being showered by someone else's love affair when you have just drowned in your own. But of course we can never dream of saying this. As a good friend once told me just smile and say ah - huh.

*I wrote this last night, and I assume because I mentioned that the internets weren’t my friends in the title, the internets rebelled and refused to let me post it then, so I am doing it now… hopefully.

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