Friday, August 28, 2009

Phone cam won… Day 4

I know I promised to use my actual camera today, but the phone camera proves to be much more efficient.  I just wish it took better pictures.  I’ve tried tweaking the settings to get better quality pictures, but those settings have proven to be non-existent.

Without further ado…


It was overcast all day today, and just before sundown, I finally noticed the blue sky trying to peek through all the grey.  I guess Winter is coming…  (Bonus points for those who get the reference.)

As an extra treat, here’s the alternate photo that didn’t make the cut for yesterday.  It’s extra cute, but technically, I took it for a text message, so it didn’t count as my PhotoADay photo. 


I also have a fantastical plan for catching my cat on the prowl, but you’ll just have to wait and see for yourself before I let the cat out of the bag, so to speak.  :)


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