Monday, August 10, 2009

The Pope’s rockin’…

I’ve been meaning to address this topic since July 31 when I read about it, but it’s taken me this long to find the time to actually blog something.  That said, let’s get to the heart of the matter.  Everyone’s favorite The freaking pope has signed to a major record label… the same record label as Snoop Dogg and Ashlee Simpson.  I did a double-take when I read the article in USA Today. 

Turns out he’s not the first pope to do this.  I seriously can’t believe it.  I can’t believe that he would even have to bother with a record label (I mean, come on, Catholics, you would buy the pope’s record if he were on an independent label, wouldn’t you?  Or even if he were producing CDs on his own?  I know you would.  He has no need for a major record label.), because think of all that money the Catholic Church is losing.  Honestly, I’m 100% surprised that the Catholic Church doesn’t have its own record label, just so they don’t lose all that money to the major record labels.  Everyone knows that it takes a crazy amount of records sold to even begin to break even on a major record label.  Come on, Catholicism, I thought you were better, and more greedy than that.  You’re supposed to rule the world.  This isn’t the way to do it. 

According to USA Today, the pope’s album will feature “chants and prayers along with eight original classical compositions.”  I think it would be much more suited to his looks for Pope Benedict to release a heavy metal album.  Srsly, he’s scary looking.  How can he Not have a heavy metal album?

via USA Today

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